That's right, I'm finally feeling the pinch. High unemployment, rising costs of fuel, and for Christ's sake the price of a chocolate chip cookie at the bakery went up 33% last week! What the hell is happening? What's worse is that for some reason all I want to do is spend money. All the time. Go out to lunch? Sure! Grab a drink at happy hour? Why not?! Buy fifty dollars worth of small art on Etsy and bid on a couple of Ebay auctions? Let's do it! ...I mean those are just examples of things that I might have done recently. You know... hypotheticals. Right.
So I'm trying to curb all that excess spending by remembering this clever rhyme: "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without."
I read it somewhere in a craftster string about recycling materials and despite my swiss cheese brain, it's managed to stick. So here are a few of the things I'm doing to cut costs lately:
- Not buy any more art paper and only use what I already have in new projects
- Finally send in the mac rebate from Mr.Mr.'s Christmas present
- Completely use up the samples I got at Sephora of the new Stila concealer ($22) and foundation ($32) I'm lusting after... any maybe go back for some more before buying
- Find recipes that use the stock items we already have in our cupboards
- Watch only Netflix videos and stop impulse-renting from Hollywood Video when I 'm impatient
- Consider repricing some of my artwork to sell faster on Etsy
- Bring some clothes to the secondhand stores to try and sell some items
What measures are you taking to ease the squeeze?
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