Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Is it just me

Or is anyone else creeped out by those computer ads that show some kid watching tv- then the camera pans left to circle back around- and the kid's head is split in half and open in the back- revealing some sort of band playing INSIDE the kid's head or... or fireworks going off?

It's really friggin' weird and it definitely doesn't make me want to buy anything. It makes me think of robots. Which in turn, makes me just uncomfortable enough to change the channel.

(Imagine me saying that all in one rushed, panting breath.)


Unknown said...

I am creeped out by it too! I was just thinking to myself last night who came up with that creative and how did they get the client to sign off on it?

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I think we are just getting too old for these ad campaigns. They aren't aiming at our generation anymore. Not that I'm implying that you are old. Or that I am...


Julia from Dozen Flours said...

I think the new AT&T commercial is really creepy. It's the one for their new quick messaging devices where there are faces on the thumbs. It makes me nauseas to watch it. Ewww!